Fall Is Approaching: How We Are Preparing To Transition To The New Season
Can you believe it's almost over halfway through the year? I swear I blinked and September showed up at my front doorstep. I’m not mad at it, I find the beauty in the seasons and find myself transitioning with them.
I love fall as it is the time to lock in and really hone into the goals you set for the year and allows you to create new ones. It’s the perfect time to switch to the all gas no breaks mindset because what's a goal without action? Fall is a natural time for new beginnings and a fresh start—if the leaves can change why can’t I change too?
What are you carrying into the new season? Use this week to reflect on your summer experiences and think about what habits, routines, and mindsets you want to carry into fall and the ones you want to leave behind. (byeee friend!)
It’s never too late to restart or adjust your goals–things change people change and it's OKAY to change your mind! Make some goals that align with the season but keep it realistic and attainable. Do you want to start a new workout routine (preferably with your workout bestie at SP Health & Wellness), plan an international trip for the holidays, or incorporate more seasonal produce into your diet–whatever it might be!
Change doesn’t need to be overwhelming. Whether you’re adding in more structure, or making your routine more cozy to enhance your mood and productivity mindfully adapt to your new routines and take it slow— it's a marathon not a sprint.